See it! Say it! Spell it! Check it!
The Learning Board teaches children to spell beginner words. There are different levels of learning - starting from matching letters for younger children up to writing independently.
While playing with this learning tool children develop early literacy skills like letter recognition, phonological awareness and vocabulary.
This educational toy is a great tool for children to understand alphabetic principle. The alphabetic principle is the concept of connecting letters with their sounds to read and write. Understanding that written letters correspond to spoken words. This concept is critical in reading and understanding the meaning of text.
Made using only natural materials - wood and cotton.
Montessori inspired writing tray is a great tool to help children work on pre-writing skills and letter formation.
Children can use their finger or a wooden pencil to practice drawing strokes and shapes as well as writing letters and forming numbers.
The beautiful illustrations for this set were created by artists from around the world and printed on textured linen paper.
Made in Canada.
Materials included are: 1 learning board, 1 set of alphabet coins (upper and lower case letters), canvas cotton bag for storage, 24 beginner words flashcards, one bag of sensory writing sand, 2 wooden pencils